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What makes owning an #ASC with SurgCenter an attractive option for physician partners?

Hear from SurgCenter Physician Partner Dr. Sam Joseph of SurgCenter Dunedin in Dunedin, Florida...

How could owning a SurgCenter ASC change your life as a physician?

SurgCenter Physician Partner Dr. Sam Joseph of SurgCenter Dunedin located in Dunedin, Florida shares how becoming a physician partner with SurgCenter Development changed his work life for the better...

Interview with Dr. Sam Joseph, Physician Partner

Understanding the role of work-life balance in today’s #ASC environment, and learning how to achieve it, is pivotal in keeping surgery centers running at peak efficiency. Dr. Sam Joseph of SurgCenter Dunedin located in Dunedin, Florida shares how his work-life balance is going as a SurgCenter physician partner.

Partnering with SurgCenter

Partnering with SurgCenter can be a critical tool for physicians in achieving great patient outcomes. Listen to physician partner Dr. Asheesh Gupta talk about the most rewarding part of being a physician partner at Potomac View Surgery Center.

Listen to Dr. Gupta talk about those priorities when he came to learn about SurgCenter

As a physician who is committed to excellence in his work and the highest level of personal care for each one of his patients, he says SurgCenter was a natural fit for him.

You heard it here, directly from SurgCenter's CEO, Dr. Stacey Berner.

Ultra-efficient. Low overhead. Highly-successful. Patient- and surgeon-centric ASCs.

We're different from anyone else in the space.

Listen to SurgCenter COO Dr. Greg Fox to hear why.

Interview featuring SurgCenter's Chief Executive Officer Dr. Stacey Berner.

Our "always on" culture is reflected in the hard work of SurgCenter leaders and means physician partners benefit from their nearly-instant, location-independent connectivity. No bottle necks. Just support and responsiveness when our physician partners need it so they can be much more productive and effective.

What's the ideal SurgCenter culture?

It's not a 50-physician operation. It's intimate, connected, and most importantly: engaged.

What makes SurgCenter different?

Aren't all ASC developers the same? The answer is no. Hear why from SurgCenter CEO Dr. Stacey Berner.